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Benefits of Flaxseed for Runners – How to Add it to your Routine Effortlessly!

Add Ground Flaxseed to your Protein Shake for an Easy Nutritious Boost!

I have seen the ground flaxseed package on the shelf at my local sprouts for years without any interest. It was not until I started the Dr. Oz skin firming regime that specifically named flaxseed as a core component that I took notice. I now take 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily religiously. Finding the tastiest way to ingest this seedy powder took some experimentation, but I have found the perfect avenue….my protein shake! I simply add it to my shaker and drink…viola’! Easy breezy!

Here are all the amazing benefits of Flaxseed aimed especially for runners.

1. Cardiovascular-Omega-3 fatty acids and amino groups found in flaxseed have shown to reduce blood pressure and normalize heart beats. Isn’t improving cardiovascular health one of the reasons we run!

2. B Vitamins – Flaxseed is high in most of the B vitamins, including brain-booster vitamin B1. It is also a good source of potassium,copper, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. Electrolytes like potassium are key in a runners world!

3. Fiber – Flaxseed contains both soluble and insoluble fiber good for digestive health. Keep it regular!

4. Cholesterol – The combined effects of omega-3 ALA, fiber, and lignans has been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol in the bloodstream. High LDL cholesterol has been linked to obesity, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease. Some studies have equated the cholesterol lowering benefits of flax with medication. We all run to be healthy!

5. Cancer protection – Recent studies have suggested that flaxseed may have a protective effect against breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. The omega-3 fatty acids inhibited tumor incidence and growth. Flax is high in magnesium, a cancer fighter. Cancer is scary, any kind of protection is worth investing!

6. Hormones – Lignans which have estrogen qualities may help reduce hot-flashes in menopausal women. Stay cool ladies!

7. Skin – Omega-3 fatty acids are known for increasing the rate at which wounds heal, building collagen and supporting estrogen levels. Flax increases your body’s natural oil production helping to keep skin smooth and moist. Beautifying!

8. Inflammation – Omega-3 fatty acids are key to fighting inflammation. Muscular inflammation and running go hand and hand.

Cheers to the health benefits of flax!

I would love to hear how other flaxseed lovers incorporate it into their diets. Please share your recipes!

BTW I read that there are certain people who should not take flax like pregnant or lactating women. Please talk with your Doctor before starting a flaxseed regime.